Working Standing Up: What Height Is Best?

Many of us spend our working lives sitting in front of a computer. As varied as our day-to-day work may be, desk work is physically monotonous, and remaining in the same position has negative effects on our well-being. To avoid the dangers of constant sitting, a height-adjustable desk is a worthwhile investment… as long as you choose the right table height! Find out everything you need to know about optimal height adjustment in this blog post.

Why Do I Need a Sit-Stand Desk?

Sitting down all the time can be catastrophic for your health, because it starves your body of the movement it needs. The negative consequences range from permanent poor posture and chronic back pain to a dreaded herniated disc. The good news: these physical complaints can be avoided with regular standing time at your desk.

This is the reason that electrically height-adjustable desks are experiencing a boom in many offices. Periodic standing at work is not only healthy, it brings variety to everyday life and keeps you focused on the job at hand. There are many reasons to use a sit-stand desk at work: we'll tell you the most important ones now!

Sit-Stand Desks Help You Feel Better

A properly adjusted, height-adjustable desk has many health benefits for you in your workplace. Getting up regularly throughout the day and working while standing can help you feel focused and alert. Moreover, the change from sitting to standing work can counteract the following physical complaints:

  • Tension (especially in the shoulders and neck)
  • Regular headaches
  • Visual discomfort
  • Chronic back painImpaired movement (e.g. due to poor blood circulation)
  • Herniated discs
Prevention is better than a cure. It is best not to wait until your body tells you it’s time for change with pain. Instead, aim for a busy workday and regular changes between sitting and standing.

Sit-Stand Desks Improve Your Posture 

One advantage of a standing workstation is that it ensures better, healthier posture in the long term. As the table height can be adjusted to your body size, electrically or manually, you ensure that you can adopt the healthiest possible posture: sitting or standing. As such, setting the right height is an important basic requirement.

A properly adjusted sit-stand desk is particularly useful if you tend to slouch or have a hunched or hollow back. With the correct table height, you can fix bad posture when working. It’s easy!

Standing Desks Encourage Movement at Work

Your body wasn’t made to sit for hours, day in, day out. For your vital organs to work properly, you’ll need to keep moving: not only during your leisure time, but while you’re working too.

With a standing desk, you can regularly change your position during the workday. Once set at the optimal height, you can get up at any time without having to interrupt your work. It’s simple and easy to bring more movement into your everyday life, and it’s great for your body too.

How Big is a Height-Adjustable Desk?

If you've already used a height-adjustable desk, you’ll know that it can be adjusted to almost any height: although usually between 95 cm and 125 cm. This means that if you’re between 160 cm and 190 cm, you’ll be able to use the desk comfortably. If you work for hours at a desk, you will find the right height in no time.

Find the Right Height for Your Adjustable Desk!

To work as healthily as possible while standing, you’ll first have to find the right table height for you. Let’s go through the most important steps in choosing the right height for your desk.

  • Stand up straight, relaxed and as close as possible in front of your desk. Your torso should touch the edge of the table lightly. Keep a straight back, pull your shoulders back slightly and keep a firm footing (position your feet parallel and about hip-width apart).
  • Bend your arms so that your upper and lower arms form a 90° angle, i.e. a right angle.
  • Raise the desk until you can rest your forearms on the tabletop, with a minimal drop to your wrists. 
  • Make sure to keep the right angle between your upper and lower arms.
  • Choose a table height that ensures your shoulders are kept as relaxed as possible.

Working While Standing: Tips for Working at the Right Height

If you normally work exclusively or mainly while sitting, you may not be used to switching to an ergonomic lifestyle at first. To build better habits, here are our three useful tips for you. These will help you work at the table height that is optimal for you.

1. Get Your Posture Sorted

Sitting or standing, your body feels most comfortable when it moves regularly. Make sure that you don’t stay in the same position for too long when working standing up. By changing posture, you won’t unnecessarily strain your spine, but still ensure enough movement at your desk.

The following tips will help your back and can be easily integrated into your everyday work:

  • Change leg position.
    Switch between a parallel stance and step position. This helps to load your back structures evenly and prevent one-sided loads.
  • Boost circulation.
    Shake your legs regularly to boost circulation.
  • Relax your shoulders.
    Slowly circle your shoulders back and then down. With a few reps, you’ll ensure that your shoulders stay relaxed, preventing back and neck pain.
  • Walk up and down.
    If possible, get your whole body moving at regular intervals

2. Adjust Regularly While Working at Your Sit-Stand Desk

Just like constant sitting, standing all the time isn’t healthy. Standing for hours puts excessive strain on the spine and severely compresses the intervertebral discs. Office jobs require the right balance between sitting and standing so that your health does not suffer as a result.

Germany’s Federal Institute for Occupational Health has created a “sit-stand schedule” to counteract a lack of exercise in office life. This recommends two to four posture changes per hour, and that no position is held for more than 20 minutes at a time. Only a repeated change of posture provides the necessary relief for the entire musculoskeletal system.

3. Choose Some Activities to Do While Standing

Often, if you are really engrossed in your work, you’ll simply forget to switch positions and stand at your desk. Our tip? Choose specific tasks that you only do standing up. This way, you avoid excessive sitting and ensure that there is enough movement each day.

For instance, you could make all phone calls while standing, or use the time to check your emails. If you write down all the specific activities that you want to do while standing, you’ll stay on the safe side and won’t forget to change position. 

Ergonomic Work Needs a Perfect Position

An ergonomic workplace is essential for your well-being in the office or home office: not just a chair, but a height-adjustable desk too. Once you’ve chosen the perfect desk, set the right height for your desk and work problem-free!