Time to stand up! Advantages of working standing up

Be honest - are you sitting down as you read this sentence?
If so, you don't have to feel caught out. On average, Germans sit for over 7 hours a day. And it's not out of laziness or even laziness. After all, work is part of everyday life and needs to be done. And in times of digitalization, this is increasingly done sitting down.

It is widely known that sitting a lot is not healthy. Accordingly, almost all workstations are now equipped according to the principles of ergonomics. However, this is just a drop in the ocean. Because even those who sit ergonomically correctly end up sitting unhealthily. The consequences of excessive sitting are affecting more and more people every day. The solution is simple: work standing up.

Frau arbeitet am Stehtisch

Working standing up - advantages

Working standing up helps to reduce pain.

Tension in the neck, shoulders and back, aching hips and poor posture - these are common side effects of traditional office jobs. Standing is an important aspect of ergonomics in the workplace. Although an ergonomically adapted workstation can make a big difference, it can never fully compensate for all the negative effects of sitting for long periods of time.

This is made clear by the fact that even with an ergonomically correct sitting position, everything becomes uncomfortable at some point. You cross your legs, lean forwards and then backwards and start to slouch. No wonder. We unconsciously try to compensate for the pressure that sitting exerts on our bodies.

Working standing up can reduce back pain by up to 54%.

A standing desk in the office has a positive effect on our health. This was confirmed by an American study in 2011. Standing breaks also effectively reduce shoulder and neck pain. This mainly occurs when we lean forward at our workstation and our back and neck assume a C-shape. When working in a standing position, the spine is consciously straightened, the shoulders move backwards and the shoulder blades come closer together. This can prevent tension in advance.

Standing up can prevent illness.

Sitting is the new smoking.

You hear and read this phrase more and more often. The list of illnesses that can be directly linked to excessive sitting is long. The duration and frequency of sitting are directly linked to various cardiovascular diseases, for example. A link can also be established with diabetes and other metabolic diseases. Even the risk of developing cancer increases with sitting time. The figures are correspondingly alarming with regard to the mortality rate.

Junge Frau mit Rückenschmerzen

Standing up is exactly where many of these diseases originate.
Switching between a sitting and standing position stimulates the circulation and metabolism. Cardiovascular and metabolic diseases can thus be effectively counteracted. The risk of developing cancer is also reduced, as reported by the American Cancer Society. Furthermore, digestion is stimulated, the cholesterol content in the blood is reduced and the development of varicose veins can also be counteracted.

The list of health benefits goes on and on and is not just limited to physical health, but also has a positive effect on the psyche.

Standing burns more calories.

Maintaining or even reducing your weight becomes a challenge for most people as they get older. While a little sport and a healthy diet can help you lose weight quickly in your youth, attempts to lose weight quickly become a frustrating experience in adulthood. This is due not only to a slower metabolism, but also to a lack of physical activity due to a predominantly sedentary job.

You burn more calories working standing up than sitting down.
While the exact calorie consumption varies from person to person and depends on age, gender, weight and basic fitness, the higher calorie consumption when standing is easy to explain: Working while standing activates more muscle groups. The back, abdomen, hips, bottom and torso actively work together and the higher muscle activity means that more calories are burned.

Working in a standing position can therefore help to maintain weight and support weight loss, as confirmed by a Mayo Clinic study.

Standing keeps you fit.

While exercise can never fully offset the negative effects of hours of daily sitting, standing can maintain and even strengthen the results of your workout.
As already mentioned, standing stimulates muscle activity, which benefits not only calorie consumption but also basic fitness. Working ergonomically while standing already strengthens the abdominal and back muscles and also activates the leg muscles.
This effect is enhanced when standing is supplemented by additional movement. Be it by balancing on one leg or even a little dance: even small, additional movements like these help to keep the muscles active and therefore fit.

People who stand are more productive and creative.

Procrastination has become a buzzword in recent years. The word, which generally refers to putting off work, describes a feeling that almost everyone is familiar with. There are now a number of studies that look at the causes of the phenomenon of "procrastination".

One cause of procrastination and a lack of productivity can be sitting. Sitting puts a strain on us both physically and mentally. We feel drained, exhausted and simply unwell. The solution is to work standing up. It's not for nothing that inspiration often comes when we move away from our workstation and start walking around the room.

Our body is relieved, our metabolism and circulation are stimulated - and suddenly ideas come naturally, work comes easily and before you know it, you're back in the middle of your workflow. The connection between sitting, standing and productivity has also been proven by an American study.

Learning to stand correctly

So there are many advantages to standing at work. However, you have to be careful: standing incorrectly does not reduce pain, but has exactly the opposite effect. As with sitting, this can lead to tension or postural damage. To prevent this and stand correctly at a standing desk, we'll show you a few basics:

  • Stand upright and straight
    Make sure your back is not hunched over and that you are not leaning forward.
  • Don't pull your shoulders up
    Loosen your shoulders and relax them, otherwise a tense neck is only a matter of time
  • Get your desk at the right height
    We explain the importance of the right desk height here.
  • The right footwear
    Sturdy and comfortable shoes without a high heel are recommended.
  • No hard surfaces
    Floors that are too hard have a negative effect; a protective floor mat or carpets are gentle.
  • Move around
    It's no good just standing there. Incorporate periods of movement into your working day: Let your shoulders circle, do stretching exercises and stretch your spine.
    (You can find more tips on the topic of "Movement at your desk" here)
  • Take breaks
    Nobody says you can't use your office chair any more. The best results are achieved by alternating between sitting and standing.

Frau steht am Schreibtisch, Mann sitzt am Schreibtisch

Get up now!

Working standing up has many positive aspects. Benefit from the many advantages of the sit-stand desk. Get your height-adjustable desk and take the first step towards a healthier and more productive life!